Ereinion Gil-galad, the sixth and last High King of the Noldor. While in the published "Silmarillion" he is son of Fingon, J.R.R. Tolkien's final idea was to make him the son of Orodreth. This is illustration to a polemics on his parentage in the forthcoming anniversary 20th issue of the Polish almanac "Aiglos" (Polish language issue). Heraldry in the back represents fathers, while the shield is Gil-galad's own emblem. Base for this was a mirrored image; originally b&w, colour added with filters in Photoshop. Done in Painter & Photoshop.
Gil-galad's epessë Ereinion means "Scion of Kings" - thus the title - he is is literally a scion of kings by the unsolved parentage question and by the given honorific title.
Color version
King of Diamonds | Prints at RB:
Scion of Kings - son of Fingon
Prints at RB:
(various color variants)
Parentage of Gil-galad - the two main variants with family trees:
The Silmarillion vs. The History of Middle-earth
#tolkienlore #gilgalad
The color variant of the portrait is also available in my gallery.